Here is what I do every morning to set the pace for my day


  1. Get to sleep early.

    I live in Costa Rica and right now the sun sets at 5:15 pm. I go to sleep a few hours after sunset and wake up before sunrise. I normally spend most of the day in the water, either teaching surf lessons or surfing for 3-6 hours. Between the sun/salt/wind and non-stop paddling, I am struggling to keep my eyes open until eight at night. 9 hours is my sleeping goal.

  2. Drink WATER.

    The first I do in the morning is fill up my water bottle. I love coffee but I try not to drink it until I finish my 4 cups of water. Getting hydrated and staying hydrated especially when you live in the tropics is challenging. This is the most important part of my morning routine.

  3. I clean my space.

    I can’t think if my space is messy. I make my bed, sweep, clean the kitchen, and clear all the counters. I also like to burn essential oils to make my house smell and feel clean. Clutter drives me insane.

  4. Take 10 minutes of quiet time.

    Either stretching, sitting still, or meditating. Whatever works for you take a few moments to be calm. I am very slow to rise in the morning so normally I do this while lying in bed before I get up. I just gather my thoughts, and ask myself. How do I feel?

  5. Move your body.

    A little exercise. love to start out with a surf or run/bike ride, HIT workout or sun salutations. If I work out in the morning I make healthier choices throughout the day.

    Thank you for reading guys and feel free to share your morning routine with us @ and remember by starting slowly with one step you are more likely to hold on to some of these changes. If you make too many changes simultaneously, it may be harder to keep doing them. Pura Vida Coco